Dynamic scenes loading.
Based on an #XML description of the project, that looks like this:
- <polymorph version=”0.1″ date=”20161124″>
- <scenes>
- <scene id=”3″>
- <pobjects>
- <plight name=”main_sun” visible=”1″ debug=”1″>
- <pnode name=”floor” visible=”1″ debug=”0″>
and so on, it is easy to load a new scene. The deletion and creation job is managed by a cool object call “PObjectManager” see: http://polymorph.cool/doxygen/classpolymorph_1_1_p_object_manager.html (thanks, doxygen!)
In the example.1.xml, the key ‘n’ is binded to the method PObjectManager.nextScene().
A little note: in the scene 1 (the middle one), the pile of plates has been done via a special tag:
<repeat count=”20″ offset_pos=”0,10,0″ offset_dir=”0,5,0″ offset_scale=”-2,0,-2″ />
When placed in a pnode, it will generate copies of the object automatically. Similar to array modifier of blender.