Juste pour vos yeux le dump d’un matériau…

Juste pour vos yeux, le dump d’un matériau Ogre:

    group: General
    name: shadows_pssm_cube
    receive shadows: 1
    transparency cast shadows: 0
    size: 3862
    techniques: 1
            scheme: Default
            lod index: 0
    passes: 1
            name: 0
        ** programs:
            vertex program: Shadows_pssm_vs
            fragment program: Shadows_pssm_ps
            compute program:
            shadow caster fragment program:
            shadow caster vertex program:
            tesselation domain program:
            tesselation hull program:
        ** colors:
            ambient: ColourValue( R:255, G:255, B:255, A:255 )
            diffuse: ColourValue( R:255, G:255, B:255, A:255 )
            emissive: ColourValue( R:0, G:0, B:0, A:255 )
            fog colour: ColourValue( R:255, G:255, B:255, A:255 )
            self illumination: ColourValue( R:0, G:0, B:0, A:255 )
            specular: ColourValue( R:0, G:0, B:0, A:255 )
        ** values:
            alpha reject value: 0
            depth bias constant: 0
            depth bias slope scale: 0
            fog density: 0.001
            fog end: 1
            fog start: 0
            hash: 0
            index: 0
            iteration depth bias: 0
            light count per iteration: 1
            light mask: -1
            max simultaneous lights: 8
            num shadow content textures: 3
            num texture unit states: 4
            pass iteration count: 1
            point attenuation constant: 1
            point attenuation linear: 0
            point attenuation quadratic: 0
            point max size: 0
            point min size: 0
            point size: 1
            shininess: 0
            start light: 0
        ** booleans:
            alpha coverage enabled: 0
            ambient light only: 0
            colour write enabled: 1
            depth check enabled: 1
            depth write enabled: 1
            fog override: 0
            iterate per light: 0
            light clip plane enabled: 0
            light scissoring enabled: 0
            lighting enabled: 1
            loaded: 1
            normalised normals: 0
            point attenuation enabled: 0
            point sprite enabled: 0
            polygon mode overrideable: 1
            programmable: 1
            run only for one light type: 0
            transparent: 0
            transparent sorting enabled: 1
            transparent sorting forced: 0
        ** enums:
            alpha reject function: CMPF_ALWAYS_PASS
            culling mode: CULL_CLOCKWISE
            depth function: CMPF_LESS_EQUAL
            dest blend factor: SBF_ZERO
            dest blend factor alpha: SBF_ZERO
            fog mode: FOG_NONE
            illumination stage: IS_UNKNOWN
            manual culling mode: MANUAL_CULL_BACK
            only light type: LT_POINT
            polygon mode: PM_SOLID
            scene blending operation: SBO_ADD
            scene blending operation alpha: SBO_ADD
            shading mode: SO_GOURAUD
            source blend factor: SBF_ONE
            source blend factor alpha: SBF_ONE
        textures: 4
                animation duration: 0
                binding type: 0
                colour blend fallback dest: 1
                colour blend fallback src: 2
                content type: 0
                current frame: 0
                desired format: 0
                gamma: 1
                alpha: 0
                name: 0
                num frames: 1
                num mipmaps: -1
                parent: 0x7f2a55d47a98
                referenced MRT index: 18446463019639570529
                texture anisotropy: 1
                texture border colour: ColourValue(0, 0, 0, 1)
                texture compare enabled: 0
                texture compare function: 6
                texture coord set: 0
                texture mipmap bias: 0
                texture name: cube.png
                texture name alias: difftex
                texture rotate: Radian(0)
                texture transform: Matrix4( row0{1 0 0 0 } row1{0 1 0 0 } row2{0 0 1 0 } row3{0 0 0 1 })
                texture type: 2
                texture U scale: 1
                texture U scroll: 0
                texture V scale: 1
                texture V scroll: 0
                animation duration: 0
                binding type: 0
                colour blend fallback dest: 1
                colour blend fallback src: 2
                content type: 1
                current frame: 0
                desired format: 0
                gamma: 1
                alpha: 0
                name: 1
                num frames: 0
                num mipmaps: -1
                parent: 0x7f2a55d47a98
                referenced MRT index: 18446463019639570529
                texture anisotropy: 1
                texture border colour: ColourValue(1, 1, 1, 1)
                texture compare enabled: 0
                texture compare function: 6
                texture coord set: 0
                texture mipmap bias: 0
                texture name:
                texture name alias:
                texture rotate: Radian(0)
                texture transform: Matrix4( row0{1 0 0 0 } row1{0 1 0 0 } row2{0 0 1 0 } row3{0 0 0 1 })
                texture type: 2
                texture U scale: 1
                texture U scroll: 0
                texture V scale: 1
                texture V scroll: 0
                animation duration: 0
                binding type: 0
                colour blend fallback dest: 1
                colour blend fallback src: 2
                content type: 1
                current frame: 0
                desired format: 0
                gamma: 1
                alpha: 0
                name: 2
                num frames: 0
                num mipmaps: -1
                parent: 0x7f2a55d47a98
                referenced MRT index: 18446463019639570529
                texture anisotropy: 1
                texture border colour: ColourValue(1, 1, 1, 1)
                texture compare enabled: 0
                texture compare function: 6
                texture coord set: 0
                texture mipmap bias: 0
                texture name:
                texture name alias:
                texture rotate: Radian(0)
                texture transform: Matrix4( row0{1 0 0 0 } row1{0 1 0 0 } row2{0 0 1 0 } row3{0 0 0 1 })
                texture type: 2
                texture U scale: 1
                texture U scroll: 0
                texture V scale: 1
                texture V scroll: 0
                animation duration: 0
                binding type: 0
                colour blend fallback dest: 1
                colour blend fallback src: 2
                content type: 1
                current frame: 0
                desired format: 0
                gamma: 1
                alpha: 0
                name: 3
                num frames: 0
                num mipmaps: -1
                parent: 0x7f2a55d47a98
                referenced MRT index: 18446463019639570529
                texture anisotropy: 1
                texture border colour: ColourValue(1, 1, 1, 1)
                texture compare enabled: 0
                texture compare function: 6
                texture coord set: 0
                texture mipmap bias: 0
                texture name:
                texture name alias:
                texture rotate: Radian(0)
                texture transform: Matrix4( row0{1 0 0 0 } row1{0 1 0 0 } row2{0 0 1 0 } row3{0 0 0 1 })
                texture type: 2
                texture U scale: 1
                texture U scroll: 0
                texture V scale: 1
                texture V scroll: 0

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