A new example showing how to use the class PCamRig object is available in the engine’s samples.
PCamRig is using PRange objects to describe all rotations (pitch, yaw & roll), enabling a simple control of the angles.
In the example, roll is going from 0° to 90° and yaw from -45° to 45°, the mouse is only controlling the percentage of each range applied on the camera. There is a subtlety about axis of rotation explained in the code.
It comes with a simple way to interpolate value with an “elastic” effect. Explanation about the interpolation can be found here: Notes:Interpolation, speed/current
Nice example and beautiful use of dither 🙂
nothing voluntary 🙂
ffmpeg -i video.avi out%05d.gif
gifsicle –loop *.gif > anim.gif
and done
src: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=ffmpeg+gifsicle&ia=qa&iax=1
I know. That’s always how all the gifs come out of FFMmpeg by default. It’s sad. 🙂
We are so wrong! I just realised that it now has a fully integrated support! See: High quality GIF with FFmpeg