Isabelle Arvers’s first godot machinima

So proud to present the first machinima made by the french artist Isabelle Arvers with GodotEngine!

What I super enjoyed with Godot is that in less than 4 hours and the help of François, I was able to create an abstract sea with the colors of the sun and the sky, as well as the horizon as I exactly wanted, I understood some concepts that aren’t familiar to game dev beginners about 3D objects and how they rely on light and physics. Finally, as I am, for the moment, still mainly a machinima person, I barely understood camera movements and was able the day after in the train driving me back to France to make my first machinima abstract sea in Godot.

I became autonomous in abstract sea machinima making in less than 1 day, which is amazing for me! I didn’t find the interface too hard to understand but so much appreciated to be supported for the first steps of this discovery. Especially to be able to do exactly what I wanted to do and not to have to follow so many different tutorials before to get to the point I was interested in.

by Isabelle Arvers, source:

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