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We are sad to announce that, for various reasons, Amélie and I are not able to keep on organising and hosting the one and only godot club brussels. The fact that we stop managing it does not mean the event has to stop: if some of you decide to take up the baton in the "management" position, we would be really happy to pass the knowledge and attend next sessions! A big thank you to all of you for the energy and the involvment you put into this event! It was great to meet you all and see so much interest in the ... best game engine ever! The signal group will stay open, contact us via email if you want to be part of it. We hope godot club will stay open to all, respectfull of everyone & free :)

▪ Links ▪

All the things we did are available here: █

▪ Credits ▪

fonts: Elite & Contessa, colors by random color contrasts, artwork SSt,