
same video on peertube a bit more than…

(a bit more than a technical demo this time) After finishing the work on shadows, it was time to play with the different materials possibilities. To explain a bit what you are seeing: at the top left, the 3 textures containing the shadow maps; transparent walls (wireframes) are not take into account in the shadow

PLine a class to draw lines It might…

PLine, a class to draw … lines! It might seems stupid, but drawing lines is no the default purpose of a game engine. Drawing a line that connect 2 objects for instance is painfull to do with a parallelepiped, especially when you need its thickness to stay constant! The class PLine is there to help.

End of the week video with a navigation…

End of the week video. with a navigation through 2 isles, generated with different configuration: first one have thin and spaced towers; second one have fatty towers. The clipping is clashy, and i think i’ll leave it like that.

Buildings generation is on its way A texture…

Buildings generation is on its way. A texture controlling the border of the building has been tuned via a python script. Based on a source image: the script generate this: The brightness is changing gradually and is controlled by the source image pixels. This avoids the basic gradient.

It’s holidays in schools this week in belgium…

It’s holidays in schools this week in belgium, a good occasion for me to pull out of the grave an old project: disrupted cities. 4 years ago, the scenes have been generated within blender: city maps, meshes and uvs. I was certain it wouldn’t be too hard to port in real-time, and that’s what i’ve

Currently working on PCamera class a class to…

Currently working on PCamera class (a class to manage … camera!). The new samples/0.1/ shows how to create one and render it onto a texture. In these images, the pink texture on the cube is the rendering of the camera rotating in the center of the scene, the tall pink cone. It is very ogry

Preparation of a 3d model for skeleton example…

Preparation of a 3d model for skeleton example. The model is from Sophie Kahn and distributed by #additivism (their selection is really good!). Image of the model in the 3d additivism cookbook: First step was to reduce (a lot) the number of faces of the model ( around 75% ), generate a UV map and

Cool day today the creation of the example…

Cool day today: the creation of the example.glitch was quite fun. The example demonstrate a bit more extensively the usage of the ogre’s compositor (see here) and the interaction with shaders. If you test the example, ckeck CustomApp::createCompositor: you’ll find comments about how to interact with the shader’suniform. The superb model in this scene is

Puzzle research for peel In the process of…

Puzzle research for peel. In the process of searching a “why” 1, the idea of a messed up structure to reconstruct arose. As the other concepts in the game, it’s easy to understand visually, a bit more hard to describe programmatically. Indeed, once several segments will be connected, rotations will be constrained, and hierarchy tree

Shadows at last Due to some tiny errors…

Shadows, at last! Due to some tiny errors in the shaders of the ShadowsV2 sample, it has been quite tricky to make PSSM shadows work in the example. Not sure yet how this will behave with transparency and skinned meshes + borders require a bit of blur, but cool for now!

Too much complexity On the way home yesterday…

Too much complexity. On the way home yesterday, i sketched the required modification to make to the joint generation algorithm to generate normales. And, sadly, i came to a point where the hours of works and analysis involved were too high, taking into account that this technique requires a shader to animate the model (another

UV coordinates generation End of the week and…

UV coordinates generation. End of the week and a bit disapointed: i didn’t finished the joint generation. Manipulation of memory using OGRE_ALLOC_T, MemoryDataStream & DataStreamPtr is tricky. The idea is to generate the texture on the fly, for each new joint. Therefore, i couldn’t achieve the uv calculation… The top faces are ok, the other

Generation of mesh material and texture Thanks to…

Generation of mesh, material and texture. Thanks to the #MadMarx tutorial, BaseExample now demonstrate how to generate elements at runtime. In the screenshot here below, the central square with the green/red gradient has been generated, not loaded from the disk. Source: