The OSC GDnative module for godot is on…

The OSC GDnative module for godot is on its way in gitlab. In the meanwhile, we have compiled a standalone version of Godot 3.0 including the gdosc library. The executable is available here: DOWNLOAD GODOT + GDSOC

A lot of work has been done on…

A lot of work has been done on the OSC addon for godot this week: 2 new classes for reception and emission fully integrated in the engine (with icon and UI configuration) and an OSCmessage class available in gdscript to read the received message. The repositiories are here: https://github.com/djiamnot/gdosc, official one https://github.com/frankiezafe/gdosc, a fork of

Starting godot development with a little help to…

Starting godot development with a little help to Michal Seta on his OSC addon. First impressions are fantastic! Godot’s architecture is prepared with indie programmer in mind: the engine is obviously open source, it is really easy to interact with the core classes of the engine, receive notifications of the main events, and childish to

Second phase of the work sending the user…

Second phase of the work: sending the user inputs from client to server and process the interactions. There is still a small issue with the relative position on the screen of the client, to fix tomorrow, and implementing visual feedback in the client.

Always the same surprise when one application controls…

Always the same surprise when one application controls another! In this case, the application on the left is running on my workstation, receiving and visualising the position and rotations sent by the laptop on the right. The laptop is running the physical worlds. Tomorrow I’ll remount the mouse control in the client (the one on

To prepare the work session between Tomas Turine…

To prepare the work session between Tomas Turine and Lisa Nelson, I prepared a OSC serialisation of all the objects available in the 3D world, including mouse and cameras, and built an interface in pd to visualise and use the data.

Long time no seen After fixing tiny and…

Long time no seen! After fixing tiny and absolutly not sexy issues in bullet code, programming went to an even less fancy topic: efficient temporary storage of udp packets. Indeed, OSC messages (basically udp messages) arrives asynchronously. The display thread is running at ~60fps, but messages can pop in at any time. To avoid a

A bit of architecture Concerns sound sources located…

A bit of architecture Concerns sound sources located in the 3d environment. On the C++ side, sound::system manages all the sound sources and knowns about the location and orientation of the cam. It also contains the general configuration of the mix (gain, number of tracks, etc.). At each frame, the sound::system renders a serie of

First Ogre addon for OSC Repository https bitbucket…

First Ogre addon for OSC. Repository: https://bitbucket.org/frankiezafe/ogreosc It was a hell with OgreBullet addon. A part of the reason was that I didn’t get the way CMake is dealing with the compilation, installation and so on. The OgreOsc addon was a good way to get it. The addon doesn’t do a lot for now: it

Playing with reverb linked to camera position For…

Playing with reverb, linked to camera position. For peel, the reverb should increase a sensation of emptiness, and rotations around the tube will make the sound vary. Later this week, Daniel will make investigate this topics. PURE DATA: 33 Reverb and Delay on youtube By the way, the new way of puredata to manage addons

Quick & dirty OSC in ogre Thanks to…

Quick & dirty OSC in ogre. Thanks to the great library of Ross Bencina, OSC can now be used in Ogre. It has to be turned into a lib, clearly, but I need to remove tasks from todo list. To use it, got to polymorph-engine and copy the folder example.2.0/app/osc/. It contains the oscpack library