
Cornelius Cardew’s Treatise

One of the most important connection between graphical design and music notation has been achieved in 1967 by Cornelius Cardew in his masterpiece called Treatise. links A Young Persons Guide to Treatise, 2009 : PDF version on, a wiki for the arts, media and humanities : Other examples of music experimental music

UI for rotation editing #1

I wanted to enable rotation editing via a simplified 2D UI for futari-app. I have started by the most obvious way: 3 concentric circles (XYZ axis). Even if the design was cool and super simple, there was a huge problem with this widget: NOTHING is circular in the UI! Obviously this appeared once the graphical

Soft skin

Currently working on a library of skinning called SofSkin. It’s purpose is to make skinning in a different way: less rubberish and more mesh/geometry-oriented. The idea is to use edges of the mesh as springs that tries to recover their initial length by pulling/pushing on the vertices. The lexical field is focused on anatomy, to

My website being back online I will document…

My website being back online, I will document the researches related to disrupted cities in several pages there. main page (quick presentation, history, etc) galleries generation of the road network I’m currently working on an algorithm to nicely shrink the blocks detected in the network…

Reviewing the road generation system generation of normal…

Reviewing the road generation system. generation of normal and tangent for each segment (cyan & purple vectors): they can be used easily to generate a new road starting from any point; a million better random selection, based on the formula: X1 = a*X0 + b % m; This random generation merits a bit of attention.

Looking for loops in networks It’s seems very…

Looking for loops in networks. It’s seems very simple, but when i’ve started to search for a programmatic way to solve this, you ends up with a kind of complexity that seems much too high compared to the problem. After a bit of research, i found the Rocha Thatte method. It is a very elegant

A two days work session with Florence Lisa…

A two days work session with Florence, Lisa Nelson, @louise and Baptiste. We went deeper in the improvisation technique of Lisa, by performing a score with Baptiste and also by talking a lot about what Tuning Scores is and is not. The performance and the exchanges have been recorded. This is an important step for

Finding cycles in networks Since several days i…

Finding cycles in networks. Since several days, i was trying to solve a problem that will occur in #peel: how to broke a connection when the connection is part of a “cycle” (i’ve called it “loop” until now). This problem is illustrated here: The beginning of the answer is in wikipedia and uses graph theory

Mentholed blender related issue in bitbucket A long…

Mentholed blender related issue in bitbucket A long time ago (2 years maybe), i’ve worked with yacine sebti to make a bridge between a timeline editor in max/msp (yacine’s world) and openframeworks (my former world). The project was called Menthol. This prototype has been used in the void project. The openframeworks addon is here: