Weekly News

Polymorph weekly news #9

No news is good news. Polymorph is alive and kicking. The train is on its tracks. The ball is rolling. It’s already almost a week since I’ve chatted with @frankiezafe and @louise about the advancements of their project. You might have also noted that they don’t post much either on this blog. As François says

Polymorph weekly news #8

This will take only 5 minutes. This is what @frankiezafe and I told each other when starting our weekly meeting about the Polymorph. Time, whether it’s a good way to evaluate a human activity or not, is always going to be used as a reference. How much time did you spend on this? How long

Polymorph weekly news #7

Welcome @louise! As a new member, she just joined the Polymorph team and this post will be presenting her to you and hopefully tell you more about her role and interest in the Polymorph project. I did not know Louise Baduel before having a conversation with her a couple hours ago. All I knew is

Polymorph weekly news #6

If you’re following this series of weekly news, you’ve noticed there hasn’t been any for the past few weeks. I apologize for this. It does not mean Polymorph was on hold or that I lost contact with the team, but I just did not have much time to write a post and do the regular

Polymorph weekly news #5

As soon as we started video-chatting, @frankiezafe showed me this graph, which could possibly be represented by the equation f(x) = sin(10*x)*exp(-x)+1. That, he said, is the plot of my feelings of satisfaction and achievement with Ogre over time. It’s going from “super awesome” to “total discouragement” and back again, although as you can see

Polymorph weekly news #4

Fourth week already and half way? Let’s see. So back to interviewing @frankiezafe, our project leader and main motor behind the Polymorph Engine (haha, I’m so funny). So Frankie and I had a little chat, which was supposed to last one hour but ended up taking two. Although this post won’t be as long, I

Polymorph weekly news #3

Going for the third week now, I scheduled an appointment with @balt, the second developer of Polymorph Engine. I never met Balthazar and so this was more an introduction meeting and a discussion to get to know each other. The other reason is Balthazar has tasks to do on the Polymorph Engine but he has

Polymorph weekly news #2

Just like last friday, here’s a little recap of what happened inside Polymorph during the week. For this episode, I interviewed Pieter Heremans, one of the core developer working on the Polymorph engine. I first met Pieter when he was part of Lab[au], but you probably also know him for his involvement in HSBXL, F/LAT

Polymorph weekly news #1

This is the first post of what we hope to be a series, where we try to summarize and explain what happened at Polymorph during the past week. For this one, I interviewed @frankiezafe and asked him about the development of the different projects at Polymorph. PEEL Peel is the code name for the first